Friday, October 16, 2015

Iran under the rulling Mullahs,horror & terrorism

 In a short glance to Iran under the rulling Mullahs, you may see 5 million Bachelor’s degree graduates out of work plus daily executions, poverty and meddling in other countries, in order to avoid a general revolt in the country. 
 What is our duty against this terible situation?

  Iran: 5 million Bachelor’s degree graduates out of work

 Chair of the so-called parliamentary planning, budget and Calculations commission in Iran shed some light on the scope of unemployment in Iran under the mullahs’ regime.
“Currently there are 5 million Bachelor’s degree students out of work in the country,” Gholamreza Tajgardoun said.
“If the current conditions of creating jobs continue in the country, in the next three years the number of unemployed college graduates will reach 8 million,” he added
 Execution of two juvenile offenders

Reports have emerged of a second execution of a juvenile offender in Iran in just a few days Amnesty International said today, which reveal the full horror of the country’s deeply flawed juvenile justice system.
Fatemeh Salbehi, a 23-year-old woman, was hanged on Oct 13 for a crime she allegedly committed when she was 17, only a few days after another juvenile offender, Samad Zahabi, was hanged for a crime he also allegedly committed at 17.
Fatemeh Salbehi was hanged in Shiraz’s prison in Fars Province despite Iran being bound by an absolute international legal ban on juvenile executions, and severe flaws in her trial and appeal. She had been sentenced to death in May 2010 for the murder of her 30- year- old husband, Hamed Sadeghi, whom she had been forced to marry at the age of 16.
And beside these crimes against the Iranian people Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran reported in October 13, 2015

22 executions include a young woman and 3 public executions


  about 22 other executions



Face to face with the international community’s commemoration of “October 10th, the World Day Against the Death Penalty”, the Iranian regime criminally hanged 22. Seventeen of the convicts were hanged on October 12.
On Tuesday, October 13, regime’s henchmen hanged a young woman that was only 17 when arrested after she had languished seven years in Adelabad Prison of Shiraz. This cruel punishment was carried out despite calls by international human rights institutions to save her life.
In the morning of October 12, three prisoners were hanged in public in Kazeroon for “armed clash” with the military and security forces and “causing insecurity in Bushehr, as well as in Mamasani and Kazeroon counties” on the mullahs’ fabricated charge of “corruption on earth and enmity with God”.
On this same day, in another criminal act, eight prisoners were collectively hanged in Darya Prison in Urmia. Concurrently, six prisoners sentenced to death were hanged in Karaj Central Prison.
On October 10 and 11, four other prisoners were hanged in prisons in Rasht and Bandar Abbas. Mohsen Tima, a prisoner from Bandar Abbas who was arrested when 20 years old, was hanged on October 11 after suffering 15 years in regime’s medieval prisons.
While the noose of infightings inside the regime, growing social discontent, and domestic and international crises tightens around regime’s neck, this regime has found no escape but to ratchet up suppression and increase the barbaric and arbitrary executions to save itself from its certain downfall.
The Iranian Resistance calls on all international agencies to condemn these barbaric executions and urges that any rapprochement with the Iranian regime be made contingent on the improvement of human rights in Iran, particularly the cessation of the executions.




Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A call to stop the savage executions in Iran

   Executions in Iran under Hassan Rouhani

Sister of death row prisoner: Khamenei will be responsible if anything happens to him
The sister of Mohammed Ali Taheri, the prisoner of conscience on death row and currently on a hunger strike, said Iran’s leaders will be responsible for his fate.
“Mohammed is in his 58th day of hunger strike. On October 7th his family went to visit him in Evin Prison . He had become very skinny and was very ill. He was looking like a skeleton. We are very worried. The family asked Mohammed to end his hunger strike, but he said he will continue until his demands are met. The hunger strike is in his the only means left for him,” Azardokht Taheri said.
Azardokht Taheri at a rally for her brother in New York 
“If anything happens to him in prison Khamenei himself and judiciary officials must be held accountable. Mohammad had very basic and legal requests, and he launched a hunger strike due to the officials neglect to these requests,” she added.
“Mohammad is not allowed to see his clients. They don’t even provide him with any papers or pens to write down his defense statements. They haven’t even announced his verdict to him. He has learned of his ruling through his family. If I learn that if I set myself able my brother will gain some attention and someone will do something, I will most definitely do this,” she added.

( NCRI Women’s Committee – October 10, 2015)

Mohsen Mojtahed-Shabestari on crackdown against Iranian women

Iran: Tabriz Friday prayer leader calls for more crackdown on women

Mohsen Mojtahed-Shabestari, Khamenei’s representative in West Azerbaijan Province (northwest Iran) in a meeting with state security force commanders of this province called for further crackdown on women.
“Some people in the society neglect the Sharia and Islamic rulings and principles. One must stand firm against these measures,” he said.
“The police must use its all its force and will to act based on its legal duties and take the fight against moral indiscipline seriously,” he said in reference to what the mullahs in Iran describe as improper veiling.

(State-run IRNA news agency – October 8, 2015)

Monday, October 12, 2015

Int’l gathering in Paris marking World Day Against the Death Penalty

  Marking World Day Against the Death Penalty

Int’l gathering in Paris marking World Day Against the Death Penalty, Surge of executions in Iran during Rouhani’s presidency and need for urgent action

Marking World Day Against the Death Penalty on Saturday, a global gathering was held in Paris highlighting the surge of executions in Iran and need for urgent action.
  The bloodletting mullahs have executed more people this year than they did last year.
While a single execution is enough to arouse everyone’s conscience, the shame of world powers is their silence over the situation in Iran especially as they are seeking nuclear talks and agreement, and trade deals.
 Such commercial calculations over human lives have never been a good investment for anyone.
If Western governments had stood up to the abuse of human rights in Iran, the mullahs could never expand their barbarity to Syria and Iraq. Mrs.Maryam Rajavi is cheered to the podium by supporters of democracy and human rights in Iran.